We're going to preview a very different CT NOFA OrganiCONN Winter Conference as the event we normally cover in person for an entire show goes virtual. We'll chat with the conference coordinator about how you can get the most from this online experience without getting your hands dirty.

Then we're returning to the subject of wind power and its potential for providing critical climate benefits, economic development, jobs, and more. So stick around as we talk it up with representatives from Eversource Energy and Ørsted Offshore North America who will be developing offshore wind farms right off the Connecticut coastline.

And we'll wrap introducing yet another boutique Connecticut nonprofit that started as a grassroots movement to help connect young apply STEM education to doing good with the founder of Random Hacks of Kindness Junior.


Eversource COVID Response – The Beardsley Zoo – Bridgeport Rescue Mission

Today we continue our deeper dive showcasing how local agencies and human service programs are maintaining, surviving, and continuing to serve in a COVID-19 world.

We'll let you know how Eversource is keeping utility services operational, how you can save a few bucks even if you're using more energy these days, and how the utility is helping keep critical nonprofits operational during this health emergency.

Then we'll check in and see how everyone is doing at the Beardsley Zoo - while learning how zoo staffers are supporting your kids education through a ton of virtual learning programs.

And we'll find out how the Bridgeport Rescue Mission is maintaining its mission to feed and protect families already living on the edge facing domestic violence, poverty, and hunger. 


The Rowan Center – CTDPH Flu Shots & COVID – The Southport CoLAB / Literacy How

Thanks to this pandemic we've all been inducted into the world of doing everything virtually - even fundraising, so we're opening by introducing The Rowan Center - working hard since 1979 serving and supporting victims of domestic violence. We'll talk about the center's critical mission and how you can help by signing on to build a holiday gingerbread house virtually.

Then we'll turn to an epidemiologist with the CT Dept of Public Health to hear how the flu stands to complicate our already overburdened healthcare system in this COVID era - and how you can play a role in minimizing that pressure on our healthcare systems by getting a flu shot.

And we'll close inviting you to learn more about educational inequality and what you can do about it in your own community, by participating in an upcoming round table discussion sponsored by The Southport CoLAB and Literacy How.


Breast Cancer Awareness – Workforce Alliance / ‘Recovery Works’ – CT Coalition to End Homelessness

We're starting our October Breast Cancer Awareness month reporting with a skilled surgeon from Waterbury Heath System with nearly a quarter century of hands-on experience supporting breast cancer survivors - for an informed and heartening conversation focusing on some positive news regarding breast cancer research, awareness, and recovery.

Then we're returning to a subject we've been covering for several years, bringing you an important update highlighting Connecticut's Workforce Alliance 'Recovery Works' initiative and how it is poise to help employees and employers working through addiction recovery.

And we'll close circling back with the CT Coalition to End Homelessness to get the latest on how COVID-19 is impacting our state's most vulnerable homeless population as winter approaches, and checking in on activities at this week's CCEH Annual Conference.
