A congressional canidiate running against Jim Himes, newcomer Jonathan Riddle joined Gary on the air to talk about his platform, his career outside of politics, and why he’s running.

Alex Temkin on Brad and Paul 1-11-19

ALEX TEMKIN, TOURNAMENT CHAIR, NEW ENGLAND VOLLEYBALL ASSOCIATION, spoke to Brad and Paul about The First to the Finish New England Winterfest Volleyball Tournament, which is the largest volleyball tournament in New England. It is designed to...

President of CCDL, Holly Sullivan

The CCDL is suing the state of Connecticut for what they call unconstitutional methods of suspending fingerprints services due to the coronavirus. Holly Sullivan, the president of the CCDL, explains....

Chief Investigation Reporter Len Besthoff with Gary

The VA hospitals were inspected to see how they’re prepared for the coronavirus and the Chief Investigative Reporter Len Besthoff was on with Gary to tell him all about it....