This morning, Gary welcomed back Investigative Journalist, George Colli, who discussed some potential Hatch Act violations. Then Gary and Lee Elci from our sister station 94-9 did their weekly crossover and discussed their careers, and finally, State Senator Rob Sampson joined the show to talk about some of the terrible bills Democrats are trying to pass this session.

Fight Voter Fraud with Gary Byron

Linda Szynkowicz, the CEO of Fight Voter Fraud INC and Dominic Rapini joined the show with Gary Byron to talk about their reaction to the absentee voter bill being passed, as well as future plans for rallies....

State Senator Gennaro Bizzaro

The absentee ballot bill was a hot topic in the state, and State Senator Gennaro Bizzaro joined Gary to talk about the vote....

Republican Minority Leader Themis Klarides

Ahead of yet another special election, Republican Minority Leader Themis Klarides joined Brad and Gary to talk  about the  new state reps, the issues going on, and if the Democrats can pass the toll bill....