Gary talked to retired Col Eric Buer about the situation in the middle east, both between the Palestinians and Israelis, and Iran and Israel. Col Buer theorized as to how the conflicts might eventually come to an end. Then House Republican leader Vinny Candelora joined the show to discuss the end of the session, and told our listeners what they can do to help slow down the Democratic agenda. Lastly, on National Prayer Day, Pastor Joel Rissinger called in to discuss the Middle East unrest, and what the bi

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ble says about that land.


Victoria Eloise with Gary Byron

In a stunning interview, Victoria Eloise joined Gary on the air to break down some VERY shady deals done all over the state of Connecticut, including with our very own Governor's wife!


Ken Langille from CT Young Republicans

Ken Langille from CT Young Republicans joined Gary on the air to talk about things going on with the Young Republicans, and what the group does!


Tom Gilmer on The Brad Davis Show 9-24-19

Tom Gilmer, Republican Congressional Candidate looking to unseat Rep. Joe Courtney, chats with Brad and Gary on Republican strategy both locally and nationally.
