Edward Jazlowiecki, Attorney at Jazlowiecki and Jazlowiecki LLC, whose filling a lawsuit against Juul and other e-cigarette and vaping companies joined Brad Davis and Gary Byron to talk about what he hopes to accomplish with the lawsuit. For more information, check out:


George Logan on Brad and Paul 1-10-19

Senator George Logan joined Brad and Paul to talk about Ned Lamont's inauguration as well as him playing guitar....

Shirley Alston Reeves Interview With Rob Ray of the Big D

The “Music Professor” Rob Ray interviews Shirley Alston Reeves, the original lead singer of the Shirelles. You can see her in concert Saturday night, August 10th, at 41 Bridge Street in Collinsville....

Michele Seagull on Brad and Paul 3-20-19

Michele Seagull joined Brad Davis to talk about work from home scams...