Governor Ned Lamont joined Brad Davis and Gary Byron to talk about the transportation plan and other state issues.


Jim Moutinho on Brad and Paul 2-15-19

JIM MOUNTINHO, NATIONAL BOARD-CERTIFIED CERTIFIED COUNSELOR, was on with Brad Davis to talk about the New Legislation that would provide Medicare re-imbursement to counselors.


Peter Wolfgang on Brad and Paul 1-31-19

PETER WOLFGANG, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE FAMILY INSTUTUTE OF CONNECTICUT, spoke to Brad Davis about Lawmakers Celebrate Reproductive Freedom with New Legislation. On the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a bipartisan group of lawmakers held a press conference in support of legislation that keeps with Connecticut’s tradition of reproductive freedom. Some of the legislation builds on maternal health initiatives, such as Medicaid reimbursement for doula services and a woman’s right not to be discriminated against by her employer for asking for a quiet and private place to express breast milk for up to three years. Another proposal would exempt breast feeding supplies from sales taxes.


George Logan on Brad and Paul 3-22-19

Senator George Logan joined Brad and Paul to talk about Connecticut's labor market situation
