House Minority Leader Themis Klarides joined Gary Byron for a capital update, her stance on the tolls bill, and the insulin bill that people are fired up over.

House Minority Leader Themis Klarides

There’s some deep cleaning going on at the Capital building, along with a bonding bill that’s being discussed! Themis Klarides joined Gary to talk about it all....

Darren-Davis Kandler and Dr. Jonathan Jagid on Brad and Paul 2-21-19

Darren-Davis Kandler, who was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 2012, and Dr. Jonathan Jagid (Jagged), Associate Professor of Clinical Neurological Surgery at the University of Miami, will share their personal experiences with Parkinson’s disease and deep brain...

Tara Willerup on Brad and Paul 1-17-19

TARA WILLERUP, VICE CHAIRMAN OF THE SIMSBURY FREE LIBRARY BOARD OF TRUSTEES, spoke to Brad about the 8th Annual MLK Celebration taking place on Monday, January 21st, his experience in Simsbury and the time he spent here...