The big question is, open the economy or keep it closed for more months until this virus has run it’s course? State Rep Stephen Harding joined Gary Byron to talk about this issue.

Teena Chopra on Brad and Paul 1-24-19

DOCTOR TEENA CHOPRA  spoke to Brad and Paul in hopes to separate fact from fiction when it comes to common infections, especially pneumonia, which is particularly relevant during flu season....

Patrick Cooney on Brad and Paul 4-5-19

Patrick Cooney of Bogner Quality Meats joined Brad Davis to talk about the company...

Peter Wolfgang on Brad and Paul 1-31-19

PETER WOLFGANG, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE FAMILY INSTUTUTE OF CONNECTICUT, spoke to Brad Davis about Lawmakers Celebrate Reproductive Freedom with New Legislation. On the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, a bipartisan group of lawmakers held a...