Dr. Nathaniel Cogley, Interim Head of the Department of Government at Tarleton State University, joined Brad Davis and Gary Byron to talk about Bernie Sanders riff with Kamala Harris


State Senator Eric Berthel

There are MANY questions regarding absentee ballots and State Senator Eric Berthel joined Gary Byron on the air to talk about what could possibly go wrong.


Deputy Senate Minority Leader Kevin Witkos

The bond commission meeting was held and some SERIOUS money was doled out. Kevin Witkos was in the meeting and he broke down everything that happened for Gary on the air.


SAUNDRA DALTON-SMITH on Brad and Paul 2-8-19

Want to really connect with your Valentine? If you have just five minutes to spare each day—and who doesn’t?—Saundra Dalton-Smith, M.D., can tell you what you can do to boost the intimacy you experience as a couple including your sex life. She’ll explain how to make the most of this five minutes whether you sit on the bed, on the couch or anywhere in between as you give each other uninterrupted time to make eye contact and talk about your lives. Far too often, Dr. Saundra will say, couples spend most of their time on conflict resolution—not closeness. She’ll explain what social rest and emotional rest are and ways couples can provide these respites for their spouses so everyone wins. Board-certified in internal medicine, Dr. Saundra has been featured in featured in Prevention, Women's Day, Redbook, First For Women, and numerous other media outlets. Her newest book is “Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity.”
