Gary chatted with the local chairwoman of Mom's For Liberty Manju Gerber, and the National Program Director Jessica Graham, about women's rights and trans rights. Gary also did his crossover with Lee Elci from our sister station 94.9 News Now, then political strategist Liz Karanatowitz joined the show to discuss the upcoming election between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.


Rep. John Larson on The Brad Davis Show 11-5-18

United States Congressman John Larson talks to Brad about updates regarding federal funding to be used for levee repairs in Hartford and East Hartford.


Dr. Jean Koosha on Brad and Paul 12-12-18

Dr. Jean Koosha joined Brad and Paul to talk about things to keep away from your animals during this holiday season


State Rep. Stephanie Cummings

Stephanie Cummings is the ranking member of Commerce in the House, and she joined Gary on the air  to talk about Phase two and everything that's re-opening.

